Friday 23 March 2012

当我们一起走过 As We Walked Together- English translation

我们都曾有过 风雨过后的沉重
形同陌路的口 但心却还流通
当我们一起走过 这些伤痛的时候

包着碎裂的心 继续下一个梦

We have all experienced heaviness after tribulations
Like unfamiliar intersections; but our hearts still went on
When we walked together through these painful times
We wrapped up our shattered hearts and continued to dream

也知道 我们并不会退缩
狂奔的念头 不曾停止温柔
一直到 将来我们都成熟
就不再困惑 生命有多少过错

You also know that we would never really retreat
Our thoughts of rushing never really stopped us from being gentle
All the way till we mature some time in the future
We would never agonise over how many mistakes were made in life

在旷野漂流 漂流的尽头
眼底的温柔 也为我保留

I wander in the wilderness; at the end of the wandering
Would be the acceptance of your love
The gentleness in your eyes helped me preserve
And sustain my heart

过去种种抵挡我的手 掌握
你慈悲的手中 有心的窗口
这就是保留 这就是宽容

The many things that resisted my hands- I took control of them
Not caring about how hard things were
In your merciful hands was a window to the heart
You preserved it and you sustained it

在旷野漂流 漂流的尽头
眼底的温柔 也为我保留

I wander in the wilderness; at the end of the wandering
Would be the acceptance of your love
The gentleness in your eyes helped me preserve
And sustain my heart

有多少苦痛有你和我一起度过 一起承受
有多少快乐有你和我一起享受 一起感

How much pain have you gone through with me, enduring everything with me?
How much joy have you enjoyed with me, being moved by things with me?

1 comment:

  1. This would be the most meaningful translation of the song. Thank you. 谢谢,
