Thursday 15 March 2012

燕窝 Bird's Nest- English translation

我越唱越颓废 像不曾去计算这季节
我让声音煮沸 想知道谁会心碎
我越嚼越沉醉 像分不清珍贵或废铁
我让眼泪佐味 炖糖份甜美遮掩
不曾为你端出台面 是我心血

The more I sing, the more decadent I become, like I never thought this would happen
I let my voice boil, wanting to know whose heart would break
The more I chew the more engrossed I become, like I cannot distinguish valuable goods from scrap metal
I let my tears act as garnish; pure sugar will cover it with sweetness
What I never served before you was my blood, sweat and tears*

这么 唱歌唱呀唱得唱出愚昧
这样 飞呀飞的飞出了天边
这么 梦想梦呀梦得梦出伟大
这样 盖呀盖得盖出一个家
众人一致曰傻 I don't care

Like this, I sing and sing and sing of my foolishness
Flying, flying, flying out of the horizon
In exchange for a pot of flavour
Like this, I dream and dream and dream of great things
Building, building, building a home
The people unanimously declare this foolish; I don’t care

我抖落一身黑 像不曾去观赏自己的美
我看自己的嘴 想熬成白的圣洁
我放弃了方位 像不在乎滴湿自己的眉
我看自己坠毁 来成就你的心肺
不曾为你编进册页 是我失眠

I shake off my darkness, like I never once admired my own beauty
I looked at my mouth, and I wanted it to be boiled into pure sanctity
I abandoned my position, like I never once wet my eyebrows
I watched myself descend into destruction, to fulfil the desires of your heart
That I never once wrote of you in the pages makes me sleepless at night

这么 唱歌唱呀唱得唱出愚昧
这样 飞呀飞得飞出了天边
这么 梦想梦呀梦得梦出伟大
这样 盖呀盖得盖出一个家
浓缩一杯痴傻 I don't care

Like this, I sing and sing and sing of my foolishness
Flying, flying, flying out of the horizon

In exchange for a pot of flavour
Like this, I dream and dream and dream of great things
Building, building, building a home
Concentrating a cup of foolishness; I don’t care

尊严 多么地迂回
无畏 多么地纯粹

Dignity- it’s such a roundabout thing
Men often painstakingly love things that will disappear
Fearlessness- it’s so pure
Let me rush towards wherever I know the danger is

我这么 唱歌唱呀唱得唱出愚昧
这样 飞呀飞出我的生命线
这么 梦想梦呀梦得梦出伟大
这样 盖呀盖出保护你的家
若你曾经感伤 值得

Like this, I sing and sing and sing of my foolishness
I fly and fly out of my lifeblood

In exchange for a pot of flavour
Like this, I dream and dream and dream of great things
Building and building a home to protect you
If you were hurt before, it was worth it

我要 唱呀唱进你的心房
看我 飞呀飞的飞到了天堂

I want to sing and sing (a song) into your heart
Watch me fly and fly up to heaven
Why not forget me

我要 梦想梦呀梦见我的光芒
看我 盖呀盖得盖上一碗汤
完美一字不差 I don't care

I want to dream, dream and dream of my glory
See me build and build a bowl of soup
Perfection- nothing less; I don’t care

Translator's notes:
*: '心血' (xinxue) does not actually translate directly to 'blood, sweat and tears', but it literally means 'blood of the heart'. Basically, it means that great effort was put into something. Thus, I found it appropriate to translate it like I did.

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