Friday 23 March 2012

茧 Cocoon- English translation

建造一个 白色的房间
我身上 缠了线
四周只剩 哀伤而纯洁
我努力 想蜕变 却又裹足不前

Building a white room
My body wrapped with thread
Around me only sadness and purity
I strive to metamorphosize, but then I hesitate

静静的河 流过我眉眼
透明又无邪 蜿蜒紧闭的心田
缓缓的月 遗留我指尖
温暖但试炼 我的自虐

A quiet river runs down my face
Transparent and unblemished; a meandering, tightly shut heart
The slow moon lingers on my fingertip
Warm but full of trials; my self-inflicted pain
Wings that have yet to dry

由死而生 挖空了心思
吐出了 最缠绵
从繁至简 磨厚了疲倦
流血了 也想飞 将要重见世界

Life from death; after emptying my thoughts
Spitting out something most soft and moving
Simplification from sophistication; thickening my weariness
Bleeding but still wishing to fly, going to see the world again

长长的河 流过我眉眼
透明又无邪 蜿蜒紧闭的心田
深深的月 遗留我指尖
温暖但试炼 我的自虐 未干的翅叶

A quiet river runs down my face
Transparent and unblemished; a meandering, tightly shut heart
The slow moon lingers on my fingertip
Warm but full of trials; my self-inflicted pain
Wings that have yet to dry

抛弃的 让我学会

Isolation from everything
Gently letting go of my consciousness
The things I abandoned taught me much

纷纷的年 穿梭我耳边
晃荡又沉淀 洗净生命的语言
攘攘的夜 远离我之内
淡定但淘选 我的一切

Years after years pass by my ears
Shaking and sinking, they cleanse the language of life
That mystifying night distances itself from my soul
Calming but eradicating all that I am
In a moment yet to be known


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